Intellectual values, as assessed in our own recent research on them (Kuhn, Clark, & Huang, 2000), reflect one's convictions that intellectual investment is worthwhile, and thus differ from related constructs such as the degree to which one enjoys intellectual activities (Caccioppo et al., 1996). The following is one of the questions we used to assess such a conviction:
Some problems, like achieving world peace, are such difficult ones that they may not have a solution, just like scientists may never understand such difficult questions as the nature of matter. We have to accept that some things in life are too difficult to understand or change, and it's best not to worry too much about them. Do you strongly agree, sort of agree, or disagree? (If disagree) what do you think?
Here is a related assessment question:
Pat, Lee and Chris disagree. In general, would it be best if they:
- A. Don't discuss their views and agree to disagree?
- B. Reach agreement by letting the majority rule?
- C. Talk it over and try to understand each other's views?
- D. Talk to other people to find out their views?
- E. Talk to an expert?
Which choice would be worst?